About me

Hi, I'm Ásdís

I'm an ordinary girl who has achieved extraordinary things. Clear vision, consistent goal setting and insatiable hunger for constant improvement are the reasons why I was a world class javelin thrower for almost 20 years and threw in the finals of European Championships, World Championships and Olympic Games. I was never the most talented athlete but I was always ready to put a lot of effort into getting the most out of the talent I had. Not only did this get me to three Olympic Games, it enabled me to get a PhD at the same time. Towards the end of my career I discovered how big of a role the mental part plays in performance. I started looking for ways to train it and through this process I learned so much. After I retired from competing I felt that I had to share this experience. I have been in your shoes and I know how you feel. That is why I want to help you perform at your absolute fullest potential and achieve performances you never thought possible while having a lot of fun.

Get My Reflection Routine

Get more out of your training and start using this incredibly simple but super effective method already today.

Why am I the right person to help you?

I have been through all of this myself and know from experience everything that comes with being an ambitious athlete aiming high. For almost two decades I left no stone unturned in my quest to do better and I gathered tremendously valuable experience and knowledge.

This took me from:

  • Not performing as well in competition as I knew I could

  • Doing better in training than competition

  • Having negative thoughts take over and drain my confidence

  • Feeling bad around competition because of pressure

  • Focusing on things I couldn’t control and having it knock me off balance

  • Having bad conscience when I had to skip a session because of injury or being sick

  • Being in over training because I was afraid to rest

Over to:

  • Making my last season the best one of my career, at age 35

  • Enjoying competing and performing much better as a consequence

  • Going into a competition with a clear plan and focus and knowing exactly how I needed to think

  • Having full control over my stress levels and being full of confidence

  • Finding the right balance between training and rest to get the absolute most out of my training

  • Enjoying my sport to the fullest!

I can show you how you can train your mental toughness to make the most out of the talent you have.

You will benefit from working with me if...

  • You want to work with someone who doesn’t sugarcoat things

  • You are ready to do the work to become better

  • You want to have fun while you learn

  • You are aware that working on your mindset is extremely important to achieve top level results

  • You enjoy challenges and are ready to step outside of your comfort zone

Performance Consultant,
Olympian & Speaker
© 2025 Annerud Media AB

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